The world is full of opportunities and very few students are aware of this. There is a plethora of professions one can take up. It is here that counselling and career guidance becomes very pertinent. The Counsellor helps them make the right choices and identify where their aptitudes and interests lie. Students of Grades X, XII are discussed elaborately about their options and interest after X and XII and are then guided based on their interest to make an informed decision about their choice of subjects/career.

Group information sessions, as well as individual advising sessions, are offered regularly to discuss issues such as appropriate program, university/college selection, scholarship research, making the transition from school to university/college, and related career planning.

Krishna International School hold several discussions on:

Parents’ Counselling: Career counselling sessions in schools provide clarity to both students and parents about numerous career choices available today.

Resume, Statement of Purpose and Personal Essay Writing: Students are taught what Personal Essay Writing consists of and how it is important in the applications, which need to be submitted to college/universities for admission. Assistance is provided for filling up of Common Application Forms